A Natural Alternative to Fluoride: Understanding Nano-hydroxyapatite (n-Ha)

Looking for a natural, healthy alternative to fluoride? This special ingredient was invented by NASA and promotes strong teeth for a healthier smile.

With holistic healthcare interests on the rise, many are looking for alternatives to the typical recommended home care products, toothpaste being one of them. While fluoride toothpaste has been shown to reduce cavity rates when used as directed, others are looking for a more natural or alternative approach to care: enter nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste.


Nano-hydroxyapatite was developed by researchers at NASA to help combat mineral loss in the teeth and bones of astronauts after space explorations due to the zero gravity environment. In Japan, its one of the gold standards of oral health recommendations in reducing tooth decay.

Background of Nano-hydroxyapatite

What is nano-hydroxyapatite(n-Ha)? And how does it work? While hydroxyapatite is what our tooth structure is made of, nano-hydroxyapatite is the name given to the smaller, more absorbable synthetic form. In its nano form, n-Ha can be absorbed into our tooth enamel. This helps to reduce the risk of tooth decay and strengthen the outer layer of our tooth structure, also known as enamel. Toothpaste containing n-Ha have also been shown to help reduce tooth sensitivity and brighten the appearance of tooth surfaces. Because n-Ha is so biocompatible with our natural tooth structure, it is absorbed well and helps to harden our teeth overall.

Who should use n-Ha?

Nano-hydroxyapatite  may be ideal for those with early, smaller cavities for the best results. People who are at an increased risk of dental fluorosis from ingesting too much fluoride (such as using well water or not having regulated municipal water sources) may also benefit from NHA toothpastes as it is non-toxic and safe to swallow. For individuals with certain thyroid conditions, fluoride may have to be avoided due to the effects it can have on thyroid hormone production. In general, anyone looking for a more holistic choice to care can try n-Ha toothpaste as a helpful alternative to their normal homecare routine.