Brushing Techniques for Receding Gums

Receding gums, also known as gum recession, is when gum tissue that protects tooth structure begins to expose the tooth's root surface.

Gum recession can lead to an increased risk of tooth decay, infection, bone loss, discomfort, and, in severe cases, tooth loss. If gum recession is addressed early, it can be managed with proper homecare techniques and evaluations routinely done by a dental professional. Brushing correctly is one of the most important things to reduce the risk of further damage to the gum tissues. Proper brushing, especially in those who suffer from gum recession, requires a gentle approach to cleaning teeth and gums.

Proper Technique and Tools

When brushing with gum recession, avoiding hard scrubbing with hard bristles is crucial. Instead, using soft or extra-soft bristles with gentle yet effective strokes is ideal to ensure plaque is removed without causing harm to the tissue. Electric toothbrushes can be a fantastic option for those struggling with adapting to a gentle technique when brushing around the recession. Electric toothbrushes will do most of the work for you. Many electric toothbrushes will alert you if you are applying too much pressure and allow you to adjust the toothbrush and bristles properly.

Causes of Recession

While improper brushing can be a cause for gum recession and can certainly progress the recession, other factors can contribute to gum recession. Improper biting, chronic clenching, grinding, and rotated and missing teeth can all contribute to gum recession. Night guards, orthodontics, and retainers are some of the tools that may be recommended for patients suffering from gum recession. In more advanced cases, periodontal surgery maybe recommended to ensure the tooth is not lost to excessive gum and bone loss.If you are suffering from gum recession and have questions about what may be causing it, talk to your dentist about your concerns to ensure you prevent further damage.