Do Probiotics Help Your Oral Health?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are used to promote healthy bacteria levels in the body. Probiotics are commonly found in products like yogurts, kefir, and dietary supplements. They are most well-known for the positive effects they can have on gut health. But did you know that probiotics can also positively influence oral health?

Just like our gut, our oral cavity has a balance of microorganisms. This is often referred to as the oral microbiome or “oral flora.” The oral microbiome is essentially a combination of microorganisms that live in our mouth. These microorganisms can include over 700 different species of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. In the mouth alone, there are said to be over 6 billion bacteria living at one time. With all these microorganisms, it’s understandable that things may get a bit imbalanced at times.

Imbalances in healthy microorganisms can be caused from things like the consumption of highly processed foods, high acid levels, vitamin deficiencies, low fiber intake, smoking, poor oral hygiene, and harmful oral care products.

When our oral microbiome is not balanced, our oral health can suffer. With higher levels of pathogenic disease-causing bacteria, there is an increased risk of gum disease and tooth decay. So, how can we be sure our oral microbiome is balanced and what can we do about it? There are many products available to support microorganisms in the oral cavity. Adding oral probiotics to a great oral hygiene routine is an excellent place to great start. Look for probiotics containing the following strains:

• Lactobacillus reuteri

• Lactobacillus salivarius

• Streptococcus salivarius K12

• Streptococcus salivarius M18

• Lactobacillus paracasei

These specific strains are clinically backed to support better oral health (but not to replace brushing and flossing!) Incorporating healthy food choices is also essential to promote good bacteria in the mouth. Foods such as berries, dairy products, leafy greens, crunchy vegetables, and certain nuts and seeds will also help to balance the oral microbiome between your regularly scheduled dental checkups.