Periodontal Disease and Nutrition

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a typeof gum infection that causes damage to the gums and supporting tissues of teeth, including bone. Proper oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing, is one of the best ways to manage gum disease and will help prevent further destruction in most cases. Seeing your dental hygienist for routine cleanings, visiting a periodontist to evaluate your gum health, and so much more can help manage and prevent gum disease. While routine dental care can help improve oral health outcomes, what can be done at home on your end?


Another way to help manage existing gum disease and/or prevent gum disease is a healthy balanced diet. According to the American Dental Association “A bidirectional relationship exists between oral health and diet and nutrition”. This means that the foods we consume can impact the health status of our gums, while the health status of our gums affects the foods we consume. While gum disease remains multi-factorial in nature, there is research that supports the notion that a healthy balanced diet contributes to the gums’ ability to fight infection.

Foods That Support GumHealth

Certain foods have been shown to contain the nutrients that gums require for stability and can help fight off disease-causing bacteria. Foods such as nuts and seeds containing omega-3 fatty acids contribute to a healthy balanced diet to support oral health. Fruits, and vegetables such as bell peppers and oranges with high levels of Vitamin C can also help support healthy gums. Fat soluble vitamins found in certain dairy and animal products have also been shown to contribute to better overall oral health.

If you have questions about what foods are best to support your oral health, talk to your dental provider to find what works best for you and your gum health, your teeth will thank you!